CHarlie is one!
Whew, friends! It's been a minute since I've blogged...mostly because this is the first time I've shot anything since February! Who's having trouble surviving lockdown?! Our current situation is bizarre to me...who would have thought we'd be living in such strange times? For a minute there, I was a little worried that maybe I wouldn't have a job to go back to...well, ever. I've already had so many of the weddings and sessions I've had scheduled for this year either postpone or cancel. And I know other photographers have been out finding new and safe ways to be creative, but I've been staying home...almost afraid to schedule anything or start anything new!
But you know what? This little lady is turning one, pandemic or not. And she doesn't know any differently and hopefully won't even remember all this craziness! So, she needed birthday photos! And her session helped me realize that life still has to move forward in some capacity. Sure, weddings aren't happening but babies are still being born, birthdays are still happening and memories still need to be made. So, consider this my official re-entry into the photography safely as I can!
Charlie's Dad made her super cute popsicle stand and it was absolutely perfect!! But my favorite part of Miss Charlie's session was all the props Mom brought...because they were all her favorite things! Her favorite blanket, favorite book, favorite lovey...and those Moana balloons! Charlie loves Moana! The significance of these items may fade in Charlie's eyes over time, but she'll have these photos to remind her what her whole world revolved around when she was one!
And to stay "on theme" with the popsicle birthday, instead of a cake smash, Charlie had a popsicle smash! Might be my favorite shots from her session!